Ever wondered what happens when a passion for patisserie collides with a career in marketing? Meet Taylah, our account director. Her love for the food industry transpired into an agency role where she gets the best of both worlds (cue Hannah Montana theme song). When...
Ella Boakes
Experienced in content creation, social media, brand and campaign strategy, CRO, CRM, data analytics, research and SEO. Ella has previously worked on the NaturePact campaign for People & Parks, an Australian environment and health charity.
Are quizzes your key to better marketing data?
People love to declare things “dead” in marketing, but when it comes to cookies, they’re definitely going extinct. With the demise of third-party cookie-based targeting looming, fueled by privacy concerns and major data breaches, brands are now compelled to roll out a...
Does Gen Z’s love affair with TikTok mean Google search is dumped?
A major shift is happening in the ever-changing world of online behaviour, and TikTok's undeniable allure drives it. What started as a simple video-sharing app has transcended into something much bigger—it's now a growing search engine contender among Gen Z. 40% of...