Inclusive advertising and marketing

Beyond rainbows: a free expert guide on how you can get LGBTIQA+ representation right in your marketing

Every Pride Month, we see brands jumping on the Pride bandwagon without actually doing much to improve LGBTIQA+ representation and inclusion. While Pride Month comes with its benefits, many brands believe it’s enough to whack a rainbow logo on their socials, run a campaign, and then go quiet once June is over (spoiler: it’s not).

So, we’ve decided to do something about it.

We’ve teamed up with Queer Town to conduct a survey on LGBTIQA+ inclusion and representation in advertising and create a guide to empower brands, agencies, and marketers to elevate their game.

if i saw people like me in ads and on tv when i was growing up, i wouldn't be finding myself now

The survey

We teamed up with Queer Town, a queer-led LGBTIQA+ inclusion education and training organisation, to survey over 300 anonymous Australians right across the country via social media, asking them 10 questions related to their thoughts on current depictions of LGBTIQA+ experiences and identities in local advertising and marketing. The goal of the survey was to uncover insights on the sentiment of LGBTIQA+ inclusion and representation in advertising and marketing and the power and possibility of getting it right.

Queer people don't only exist around pride or mardi gras

The guide

Using survey findings, we worked closely with Queer Town to create a handy guide packed with actionable tips to help brands, marketers, and agencies make their marketing not just inclusive, but genuinely supportive of LGBTIQA+ people.

In this guide, you’ll find actionable tips on how to get the basics of LGBTIQA+ inclusion right, destigmatise LGBTIQA+ experiences, and avoid cliches and stereotypes, alongside key survey findings on what consumers would like to see from brands. You’ll also find tips on how to take inclusivity beyond your marketing, and some examples of brands leading the way.

Here’s a sneak peak inside the guide